Occupancy by Day Report (Reference)

Article Details


The Occupancy by Date report is a great way to see facility occupancy, broken down by reservation type and service for a given date range. You will be able to compare this year's occupancy numbers to last year's and view the reservation details of the animals checked in across those days.


Helpful Hints

  • The report excludes reservations that were never checked in or canceled.

  • It also excludes any reservations that are not checked in and have passed their set start time.

  • You can only run the report for a 90-day period at a time.

  • In the report charts, the larger number on the left indicates this year's number whereas the little number on the right indicated last year's number.


Use the Report

  1. Navigate to Left-Navigation: Reports & More » Reports » Occupancy by Day.

  2. Select the date range that you'd like to view.

  3. Select the Location.

  4. Click the Include zeros in average? checkbox only if you want reservation types with an occupancy of 0 to be included in the occupancy averages.

  5. Click the Generate Report button.



Read the Report

The report is comprised of graphs and charts to allow you to view occupancy in different ways.

Occupancy Graphs

The first portion of the report displays the Occupancy Graph. This graph provides a visual representation of occupancy per reservation type during the provided date range.

You'll notice to the right is the key which shows all the reservation types being displayed on the chart. To toggle certain reservation types off, click the reservation type to remove it from the chart. Click it again to add it back.

At the bottom of the graph, you'll notice a Toggle Occupancy button. This button allows you to toggle between the number of reservations and the occupancy percentage.


Reference:  If you use the "Toggle Occupancy" to review occupancy, this will base the % Occupied off of any existing Capacity Groups for that location. For example, the below image shows the % Occupancy for Boarding reservation types. If no Capacity Group limit is set, then this toggle will not display % Occupied.



Occupancy Charts

Below the Occupancy Graphs, you'll notice the Occupancy Charts. Along the top of the chart is the date and along the left side of the chart are the reservation types. The numbers represent the number of reservations on the given date. The big number on the left represents this year's number whereas the number of the right represents last year's number.



To the right of the chart, you'll see the average number of this year's occupancy and the total number of reservations per Reservation Type that day.

To see which animals had reservations in each Reservation Type on a given date, click the number to get a popup window where you can view those reservations.




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