Birthdays Report (Reference)

Article Details


Use this report to generate a list of birthdays during a selected date range.

Reference:  There is also a system-generated birthday icon that is attached to the pet on the day of their birthday.


Getting Started

Report Parameters


 Parameter Description
From  starting date of the desired date range
Tp ending date of the desired date range
Locations Filter the report based on the owner's home location. 
Include Address? Check this box to include a column with the owner's address.
Included Banned Animals Check this box to include animals who are marked as deactivated on their account. 
Export to Excel  Check this box to export the report to Excel when clicking Generate Report. 
Parameter Description
From Starting date of the desired date range
To Ending date of the desired date range
Locations Filter the report based on the owner's home location.
Include Address? Check this box to include a column with the owner's address.
Include Banned Animals Check this box to include animals who are marked as deactivated on their account.
Export to Excel? Check this box to export the report to Excel when clicking Generate Report.


Report Output


Output Description
Animal Animal's name
Owner Animal's owner's name
Address Animal/owner's address
Birthday Animal's birthday
# of Reservations This is the total number of reservations the animal has completed.


Tips and Tricks

  • Use the column headers on the report to reorganize the data alphabetically or numerically.

  • Click on an Animal's name or an Owner's name to be directed to their respective profiles.


Export the Report and Add Customers to Campaign

If you'd like to export to a CSV file, check the tick box Export to Excel? in the report parameters at the top of the page before selecting the blue Generate Report! button.

Click the +Add to Campaign button at the top of the generated list of standing reservations to include owners in a new campaign email or SMS.



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