Delete an Owner Account (How-To)

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If an owner has no reservation or transaction history it is possible to fully delete the account. This may be useful if the account was imported and no longer is relevant to your business or if you end up with a profile for a person who never used your facility and never will. 

Caution:  Under no circumstances can a deleted account be recovered - if you choose to delete an account there is no way to recover any of the information.

How to Delete an Owner Account

  1. Navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Owners & Pets » View All Owners.

  2. Search for the owner that you want to delete.

  3. Scroll to the very far right column.

  4. If the customer is eligible to be deleted, there is a button to delete the account. Confirm the deletion and then the account will no longer be in the system.

    The button will only show if the customer in question is eligible for deletion, meaning they have no reservation or transaction history.

How to Delete Owners.gif


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