App Permissions Field Guide (Reference)

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There are several permissions you can grant to users for various settings throughout the app. This includes communication preferences, employee management, schedule management, access to reporting, invoicing control, shopping cart permissions, owner & pet management, payment protections, package credit control, reservation management, and system controls.

These settings can be very impactful, so be sure you understand the access each of these settings provides to users before granting the permissions.


App Permissions


Setting Description Helpful Hint
Receive Weekly Stats Email (home Location) If enabled, the users in this group will receive a stats email every Monday overviewing the previous week for their home location.  
Receive Weekly Stats Email (all Locations) If enabled, the users in this group will receive a stats email every Monday overviewing the previous week for all locations.  
Can Email Customers If enabled, the users in this group can email customers from within the app (set to 'yes' by default). Marketing Campaigns, Report Cards and emails directly sent from the customer profile are directly effected by this setting. For more information on what sort of emails can be sent individually see our articles on Individual Emails.
Can SMS Customers If enabled, the users in this group can text customers from within the app. This includes 2-Way SMS, Marketing SMS, and Report Cards. For more information see our articles on 2-Way SMS, Marketing SMS, and Sending Report Cards.


Employe & Schedule Management

Setting Description Helpful Hint
Can Only Login From This IP Address If one or more IP addresses are entered here, users in this group will only be able to login from those IP addresses (i.e. not from any other location). You can enter up to 15 IP addresses in a comma-separated list (no spaces). To find your IP address, simply type "what's my IP address" into a Google search. Google will tell you. It's possible your business has a "dynamic" IP address, which requires additional configuration. More information on restricting users by IP address can be found here. 
Can Edit User Groups If enabled, the users in this group can change which groups other users are assigned to  Important! AT LEAST ONE GROUP MUST HAVE THIS SET TO 'YES/ON'
Can Manage Group Permissions If enabled, the users in this group can alter the permissions within any user group, create new groups, and delete groups. Important! AT LEAST ONE GROUP MUST HAVE THIS SET TO 'YES/ON'
Can Set Up Own Specialist Schedule If enabled, the users in this group can set up and edit their own 'Specialist' schedule.  
Can Set Up Others' Specialist Schedule If enabled, the users in this group can set up and edit other users' 'Specialist' schedules.  
Can Change Home Location If enabled, the users in this group can change their (and other users') home location and log in to that location. This setting is only relevant if there are multiple locations in your app url.
Can Login With Google If enabled, the users in this group can login with their Google account. The email address of the Google account must match the email address of a user in Gingr.  
Can Login With Microsoft If enabled, the users in this group can login with their Microsoft account. The email address of the Microsoft account must match the email address of a user in Gingr.  
Can View Time Clock Report If enabled, the users in this group can view the timeclock report for other users, but not modify entries. Users without this permission can still view their own user's timeclock report.  
Can Manage Time Clock Records If enabled, the users in this group will be able to modify entries on the timeclock report.  
Can Manage Schedules If enabled, the users in this group can manage other users' schedules.  
Can Manage GingrU Courses If enabled, the users in this group will be able to add, edit, and delete GingrU courses. For more information, see our article Creating Custom GingrU Courses (Feature Overview).
Can Manage User Accounts If enabled, users can edit other user's accounts.  


Financial Reports

Setting Description Helpful Hint
Can View Financial Reports If enabled, the users in this group will be able to view financial reports. These include Revenue by Date, Owner Debt, Top 100 Spenders, Tips, and Transactions by User.  
Can View End Of Day Report If enabled, the users in this group will be able to view the End of Day Report.  
Can Modify Stripe Verification Data If enabled, the users in this group will be able to view/modify Stripe Verification Data from the Gingr Payments Dashboard.  


Invoices & Shopping Cart

Setting Description Helpful Hint
Can Enter Negative Open Line Item If enabled, the users in this group can enter negative amounts into Open Line Items in the cart (to create custom discounts).  
Can Process Item Refunds/ Returns If enabled, the users in this group can process refunds/ returns for reservations, services, merchandise, packages, etc.  For more information about refund types see our article on Refunds & Returns.
Can Apply Promotions If enabled, the users in this group can apply pre-set promotions (discounts or surcharges that have been set up with Gingr's Promotion feature) in the cart. For more information on promotions see our article on Promotions.
Can Create Promotions In The Cart If enabled, the users in this group can create single-use promotions (discounts and surcharges) on the fly in the cart.  
Can Manage POS Items If enabled, the users in this group will be able to add/edit/update inventory for POS items.  
Can Open Cash Drawer If enabled, the users in this group can open the cash drawer at any time. This apply to apps using Printnode. See our Cash Drawer Overview for more information.
Can Open Cash Drawer Checkout If enabled, the users in this group can open the cash drawer only while performing a checkout transaction.  


Owners & Pets

Setting Description Helpful Hint
Can Add Store Credit If enabled, users in this group can purchase store credit for customers.   
Can Edit/ Delete Incident Reports If enabled, the users in this group can edit and delete incident reports that have already been created.  
Can Override Agreements If enabled, the users in this group can create reservations for customers who have not yet electronically signed the required agreements in the app. This also allows the employee to "sign" a user agreement for a customer who will not be logging in online. (i.e. users without valid email addresses). Important! We recommend leaving this set to "no/off" until you need to upload a scanned copy of a customer's agreement on paper. Then, once the agreement is uploaded, turn the permission setting back off. This helps to make sure employees are not making reservations for customers who have not signed your required agreement/s.
Can Upload/ Delete Agreements If enabled, the users in this group can scan and upload a customer agreement into Gingr, and also delete existing agreements in the system.   
Can See Client Information If enabled, the users in this group will NOT be able to see an owner's records/ contact information, such as email address, physical address, city, state, home phone or cell phone number, etc.  
Can Edit Client / Animal Information If enabled, the users in this group will NOT be able to modify owner or animal records.  
Can Override Immunizations If enabled, the users in this group can override the expired immunization error message on the new reservation page, new appointment page, or check in alerts.  
Can Manage Immunizations If enabled, the users in this group can manage (update) pets' immunization records.  
Can Manage Owner Rates If enabled, the users in this group can change individual owners' rates for reservation types.  
Can Manage Reward Points If enabled, the users in this group will be able to add and remove Rewards Points from owner accounts. For more information see our article on the Loyalty Rewards Program.
Can Delete Icons If enabled, the users in this group will be able to delete icons from animal and owner profiles.   
Can Log In As Customer If enabled, the users in this group will be able to log into the portal as a selected owner by clicking the owner's email on their details tab and selecting Log In as Customer. This is a great way to see what your customers see when the log into the portal.



Setting Description Helpful Hint
Can Process Voids If enabled, users in this group can process voids.  For more information about voids see our article on How to Void Items or Invoices.
Can Process Payment Refunds If enabled, users in this group can process payment-only refunds which refund a payment while still indicating that the owner owes for the services/items at a different time or with a different method For more information about refund types see our article on Refunds & Returns.
Can Check Out Without Payment If enabled, the users in this group will be able to check out owners in the shopping cart without applying a payment.   
Can Check Out With Protected Payment Methods If enabled, the users in this group will be able to use protected payment methods in the cart.   


Packages & Subscriptions

Setting Description Helpful Hint
Can Assign Package Credits If enabled, the users in this group can manually add package credits to a customer's account (without taking payment).  
Can Deduct / Refund Package Credits If enabled, the users in this group can manually deduct package credits from a customer's account, as well as process refunds for package credits.  


Reservations & Appointments

Setting Description Helpful Hint
Can Delete Reservations If enabled, the users in this group will be allowed to delete reservations.  
Edit Check-In Stamp If enabled, the users in this group will be able to edit the check-in time/date of a currently checked-in reservation. This will allow users to adjust charges for a reservation. Check-In stamps for already completed or past reservations cannot be edited.
Edit Check-Out Stamp If enabled, the users in this group will be able to edit the check-out time/date of a currently checked-in reservation while in the shopping cart. This will allow users to adjust charges for a reservation. Check-Out stamps for already completed or past reservations cannot be edited.
Override Hours Of Operation If enabled, the users in this group can create reservations that start or end outside the set Hours of Operation, as long as the hours fall within the default start and end times configured in system-wide settings.  
Can Edit Own Appointments If enabled, the specialist users in this group can change the durations and start times on their own appointments, from the Facility Calendar and My Calendar.  
Can Edit Others' Appointments If enabled, the users in this group can change the durations and start times on other users' appointments, from the Facility Calendar.  
Can Override Appointment Capacity If enabled, the users in this group can overbook appointment times/slots.  
Can Edit Service Prices If enabled, the users in this group can edit the price of services from the calendar, on the dashboard, and in the cart.  
Can Edit Deposit Amounts If enabled, the users in this group can edit the deposit amount required for any individual reservation that requires a deposit. This also requires the toggle Allow Deposits on Any Reservation to be enabled. See our articles on Deposits for more information.
Can Manage Wait List If enabled, the users in this group can view and manage reservations and appointments on the Wait List. For more information see our articles on the Wait List.
Can Override Capacity If enabled, the users in this group can override set capacities when making reservations or using Quick Check In.   
Can Override Previous Reservation Requirement If enabled, the users in this group will be able to override the previous reservation requirement when creating reservations.  
Can Undo Check Ins If enabled, the users in this group will be able to undo a check in on a reservation.  


System & Data

Setting Description Helpful Hint
Can Delete Events/ Daily Notices If enabled, the users in this group can edit and delete events and notices on the Facility Calendar and Daily Notices.  
Can Access API If enabled, the users in this group can access the API.  
Can Backup Database If enabled, the users in this group will be able to perform a database backup.  
Can Export / Backup Data If enabled, the users in this group can access the 'Owners/Animals to Spreadsheet' report, export the 'View Owners/Pets' pages, and utilize the 'Database Backup' function. They can back up a variety of reports and tables.   
Can Edit Existing Details Page Layouts If enabled, the users in this group will be able to edit Details page layouts.  Click here for more information on this feature.
Can Create Details Page Layouts If enabled, the users in this group will be able to create new Details page layouts.  Click here for more information on this feature.
Require MFA At Login If enabled, the users in this group will be required to enter a MFA code when logging in.  This is required for the Admin group by default and can not be disabled. See our article on MFA for more information.



Notification Preferences

Permission Description Helpful Hint
Receive Email Notifications Sends users in this group an email with the unread notifications to the email address on their account. This email will send every ~30 minutes including all notifications that have not been read. This email will go to the address on the users' account in Gingr.
Receive SMS Notifications Sends users in this group a text with the unread notifications to the mobile number on their account. An SMS will be sent for each notification the user receives in Gingr and will be sent to the users' phone number in Gingr.
Receive Push Notifications Enabling this setting will allow the user to receive Push Notifications using the Gingr Notifications application on their mobile phone. This setting requires that the user download and log into the Gingr Notifications app on their device. More information on this can be found here.


Customer Portal

Permission Description Helpful Hint
New Customer Registration If enabled, the users in this group will be notified when a new customer completes the registration form online.   
Customer Updated Record If enabled, the users in this group will be notified when a customer has updated their record.  
New Online Retail Order Received If enabled, the users in this group will be notified when an online retail order is received. Click here for more information on this feature.


Employees & Schedules

Permission Description Helpful Hint
New Appointment Scheduled For Me If enabled, the specialist users in this group will be notified when an appointment is made for them.  
Schedule Published If enabled, the users in this group will be notified when a schedule is published  
New Events/ Notices If enabled, the users in this group will be notified when they are tagged in an event/notice  


Files & Records

Permission Description Helpful Hint
New Owner Uploaded File If enabled, the users in this group will be notified when a customer uploads a file on the customer side of the app.  
New Email File If enabled, the users in this group will be notified when an email is received. Clicking on the notification will direct the user to the Owner Files Report where the attachment that was delivered can be managed.  


General Communications

Permission Description Helpful Hint
Bounced Email If enabled, the users in this group will be notified when emails to customers are bounced (not deliverable).  
Incoming SMS If enabled, the users in this group will be notified when an incoming SMS has been received. This permission only applies if your application uses the Two Way SMS integration.


Owners & Pets

Permission Description Helpful Hint
New Incident Report If enabled, the users in this group will be notified in Gingr when an Incident Report is created.  
Negative Survey Feedback If enabled, the users in this group will be notified when a customer leaves feedback on a survey that is below the threshold set.  
New Lead Received If enabled, the users in this group will be notified when a lead form is submitted or when the Contact Us page on the Customer Portal is filled out by an existing customer. Click here for more information on this feature.
Customer Arrival

If enabled, the users in this group will be notified when a customer has arrived at the facility.  

This notification is triggered when a pet parent selects the I'm Here button on a Gingr PreCheck form, or replies to a text message from your facility with "HERE". 

To get the most out of this feature, try editing SMS templates like the Ready for Pickup SMS template to include information for your customers about "...reply with HERE when you're here and we will come to meet you outside."


Packages & Subscriptions

Permission Description Helpful Hint
Subscription Failed Payment If enabled, the users in this group will be notified when a payment on a package subscription fails and when a subscription is cancelled. This permission only applies to apps that use integrated CC processing and package subscriptions.


Reservations & Appointments

Permission Description Helpful Hint
Reservation Request Blocked For Expired Immunizations If enabled, the users in this group will be notified if a customer tries to make a reservation request online, but is denied, due to having expired or missing immunization records. Staff will only receive this notification if the setting in Admin » Customer Portal » Reservation and Appointment Requests for Require valid immunization records before customers can request reservations is enabled
New Reservation Request If enabled, the users in this group will be notified when a customer submits a reservation or appointment request.  
Cancelled Reservation If enabled, the users in this group will be notified when another user cancels a reservation.  
Undo Check In If enabled, the users in this group will be notified when another users performs an undo check-in on a reservation.  
Deposit Request Email Sent If enabled, the users in this group will be notified when a customer is sent an email asking them to pay their deposit.  
Reservation Added To Wait List If enabled, the users in this group will be notified when a customer is added to the wait list.  
Opening For Wait List If enabled, the users in this group will be notified when a reservation is cancelled and there is a wait listed reservation for the same dates.  
Reservation Deleted If enabled, the users in this group will be notified when a reservation is deleted.  
Service Pending Scheduling If enabled, the users in this group will be notified when a service is added to a reservation without a scheduled date/time.  
Group Class Enrollment Request If enabled, the users in this group will be notified when a customer requests enrollment in a group class.  
Gingr PreCheck Form Submitted If enabled, the users in this group will be notified when the PreCheck form is submitted by the customer.   
Appointment Rescheduled If enabled and the user is a specialist, the users in this group will be notified when an appointment is rescheduled  


Admin Delegations


Admin Page Available Settings Unavailable Settings
Animal Icons
  • System Icons (enable/disable status and popups toggles)
  • Animal Icon Groups (add, edit, delete)
  • Animal Icons (add, edit, delete)
  • Bulk icon deletion from popups
  • Altered by month setting 
  • FontAwesome Pro enabling



Admin Page Available Settings Unavailable Settings
Canned Email Templates
  • Custom Templates (add, edit, delete)
All settings are available to delegated groups
Canned SMS Templates
  • Custom SMS Templates (add, edit, delete)
All settings are available to delegated groups
SMS Auto Replies
  • SMS Auto-Replies (add, edit, delete)
All settings are available to delegated groups


Customer Portal

Admin Page Available Settings Unavailable Settings
Gingr PreCheck
  • Gingr PreCheck Forms (add, edit, delete, send tests, send to future reservations)
All settings are available to delegated groups
Reservation and Appointment Requests
  • Reservation Request Text
  • Appointment Custom Text
  • Reservation Request Services Text
  • Deposit Policies Custom Text
  • Request limitations based on things such as capacity, previous reservation requirements, valid immunizations, valid profiles
  • Require cancellation reasons
  • Reservation request button text
  • Terms and Conditions



Admin Page Available Settings Unavailable Settings
Daily Checklist
  • Checklist Types (add, edit, delete)
  • Checklist Items (add, edit, delete)
All settings are available to delegated groups
Employee Notes
  • Employee Note Types (add, edit, delete)
All settings are available to delegated groups
Manage Employee To-Do List
  • Manage Employee To Do Lists - assign todo items to select users
All settings are available to delegated groups



Admin Page Available Settings Unavailable Settings
Owner Icons
  • System Icons (enable/disable status and popups toggles)
  • Owner Icon Groups (add, edit, delete)
  • Owner Icons (add, edit, delete)
All settings are available to delegated groups



Admin Page Available Settings Unavailable Settings
Credit Card Processing
  • Payment Processor:
    • Edit CardConnect MID
    • Set Preferred Processor (for Customer Portal payments)
    • Adjust tip settings
  • Bolt Terminals
    • Edit settings for CardConnect terminals
  • Allow manual card entry
  • Allow tips from the customer portal 
  • CardConnect Tip Amounts (terminal prompted amounts)


Reservations & Appointments

Admin Page Available Settings Unavailable Settings
  • Belongings Areas (add, edit, delete)
  • Belonging Types (add, edit, delete)
All settings are available to delegated groups
Group Classes

Configure group class settings:

  • Add and edit classes
  • Add and edit class dates/schedule
All settings are available to delegated groups
Hours of Operation
  • Location timezone
  • Manage Hours of Operation including Recurring and Specific Date hours (add, edit, delete)
  • Disabled Dates (add & delete)
  • Default start and end times
  • System-wide Timezone

Note: disabled dates affect all locations in an app, please use caution with this setting

Location Default Rates Manage Location Default Rates for all locations within the app. This included adding, editing, and deleting rates for all Reservation Types and Additional Services

All settings are available to delegated groups.

Note: users with permission to edit this page are able to edit ALL location rates, even for locations they are not assigned access to. Use caution delegating this page to users

Manage Areas / Lodgings Manage Areas and Lodgings for all locations within the app. This includes adding, editing, and deleting areas and lodgings
  • Lodging last-day reservation
Reservation Types and Services Configuration Manage all Reservations, Additional Services, and Service Options in the app. This includes adding, editing, and deleting all your service types for any location

All settings are available to delegated groups.

Please note that deleting reservations/services is irreversible - extreme caution should be exercised with deleting things in the app


Shopping Cart & Point of Sale

Admin Page Available Settings Unavailable Settings
Account Codes Manage Account Codes for all locations within the app. You can add and edit Top-level and Sub-level account codes and change the Assignable Items by dragging and dropping them into the applicable category

All settings are available to delegated groups.

Account codes are shared across all locations - changes to this page will affect all locations. Please note that account codes cannot be deleted once made - if you create a code in error you will need to re-label it

Manage Promotions Manage Promotions for all locations within the app. Add and edit promotion settings

All settings are available to delegated groups.

Please note that promotions cannot be fully deleted - if you create a promotion in error you will need to edit the settings if incorrect


System & Data

Admin Page Available Settings Unavailable Settings
Merge Data
  • Merge Owners
  • Merge Animals
  • Merge Breeds
  • Merge Veterinarians
All settings are available to delegated groups


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