Late Cancellations Report (Reference)

Article Details


The Late Cancellations report will generate a list of owners (and attached reservations) that have cancelled bookings after the scheduled start date and time. This page will generate a report that contains all reservations that were cancelled after the scheduled start date.


Getting Started

Report Parameters

Setting Description
From Choose a starting date and time to see reservation data starting at this date and time.
To Choose an ending date and time to see reservation data ending at this date and time.
Export to Excel? Select this option if you want to export and download the report’s data to an excel file.



Report Output

Report Output

Setting Description
Owner Owner's name that cancelled the reservation
# of Canceled Reservations How many reservations they have cancelled after the scheduled start time.
Average Time Average # of minutes the owner cancelled after the scheduled reservation's start time.
Reservations Click "View Reservation Details" to see the bookings associated with this report.



Tips and Tricks

  • Optionally click an Owner's name to view their Owner Profile.

  • A message will populate under the table with an Average Time across all cancelled reservations.


Export and Print the Report

Click the green "Export to PDF" button at the top of the report to get a PDF version of this report. If you'd like to export to a CSV file, check the box "Export to Excel?" in the report parameters at the top of the page.



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