Today’s Check-in Report (Reference)

Article Details


Clicking this report opens a PDF export for all reservations expected to check in on today's date.


Getting Started

Generate Report

Navigate to Book Icon » Reports » Today's Check-Ins. This will automatically open a PDF export for all reservations expected to check in on today's date. The user can then print or download the PDF to track check-ins for the current date.


Report Output

Report Output


Column Description
In This column will export blank. It is designed for the user to track on printed paper once the animal is checked in.
Cxl This column will export blank. It is designed for the user to track on printed paper if the animal's reservation is canceled.
Animal Displays the animal's name.
Owner Displays the owner's name.
Type Displays the reservation type of the scheduled reservation.
End/Start Displays the scheduled end/start date and time of the reservation in question.
Services Displays any services attached to the reservation in question.
Feeding Displays the "Feeding Method", "Food Type", "Feeding Notes" fields under the animal's profile. Specific feeding amounts are not displayed.
Medication Displays the "Medication Notes" field under the animal's profile. Specific medication names and dosages are not displayed.
Allergies Displays allergies entered under the animal's profile.
Notes Displays any reservation notes.


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