Future Reservations List Report (Reference)

Article Details


The Future Reservations List report will show you a generated list of all upcoming booked reservations within your facility. This will include both business-made and customer-made reservations, if your facility allows customers to book online via the Customer Portal.

This list can be organized by many fields, including organized by date, animal, owner, or reservation type. This article will cover what each field means, and give you suggestions for how to use the Future Reservations List report.

Tip: This report is dissimilar from other Gingr reports such that you will not need to input any information before reviewing this report. Any and all booked reservations set for future dates will populate on this page.


Getting Started

To organize the information stored in this report, click any of the top level parameters in the table column headings. For example, you can click Owner, Date, Animal, etc. Please review the table below to better understand the report parameters.



Report Output

Report Output

Setting Description


In order of Icons from left to right: View the reservation, Edit the reservation, Cancel the reservation, or Delete the reservation.

Owner Owner name of pet with future reservation
Contact Owner's contact information
Pet Animal name with reservation
Reservation Type Reservation type for which the pet is scheduled
Start Date Beginning date of reservation
End Date End date of reservation
Notes Any notes employees have left.
Reminder SMS Sent Whether or not an SMS was sent out
Requested by Customer? Whether or not the customer made this booking via the portal
Created At When this reservation was made
Created By Who made the reservation
Services Any attached services for this reservation
Status Whether or not the reservation is scheduled.


Tips and Tricks

  • Owner - Click the Owner's name to be redirected to their profile page.

  • Contact - Click the Email or phone number to draft an email or SMS directly from this page!

  • Pet - Click Animal's name to be redirected to their profile

  • Notes - This is optional and will not always have attached information.


Add Customers to Campaigns

This is one of the few reports that does not have an Export to Excel or PDF option. However, you are able to add the generated list of owners to an SMS or Email campaign from this report!

Click the + Add to Campaign button at the top of the report to choose or create an SMS or Email campaign:



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