Missing Lodgings Report (Reference)

Article Details


The Missing Lodgings report opens data for all reservations missing an assigned lodging at any point during the reservation. This report will assist you in making sure all reservations have a run assigned for each date of the booking, particularly during busier times of the year when lodging capacity must be exact!


Getting Started

  1. Navigate to Book Icon » Reports » Missing Lodgings. This will automatically open the report displaying data for all reservations missing an assigned lodging at any point during the reservation.

  2. Edit the relevant reservations to add a lodging for any date which it may be missing an assigned run.


Report Output


This section includes all applicable reservations missing an assigned lodging at any point during the reservation.

  • Actions - This button allows you to edit the reservation to add or double-check assigned lodgings.

  • Animal Name - Displays animal name. Can click the animal name to access the animal profile.

  • Owner Name - Displays owner name. Can click the owner name to access the owner profile.

  • Reservation Type - Displays the reservation type of the reservation in question. 

  • Start Date - Displays the scheduled start date of the reservation in question.

  • End Date - Displays the scheduled end date of the reservation in question.

  • Created At - Displays the creation date of the reservation in question.

  • Created By - Displays the user who created the reservation in question.



Under Actions, if you click "Edit Reservation", you will see  a popup allowing you to make edits to the reservation. To edit the lodgings, click the Lodgings tab.



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