Create a New Subscription Type (How-To)

Create a New Subscription Type

On the Packages & Subscriptions page, you can create a new package or subscription. A subscription is a package type with the setting Use for Subscriptions enabled. Use the Field Guide below to assist you in setting up your new package.

  1. Navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Packages & Subscriptions.

  2. Click +Add to create a new package.

  3. Fill out the short form using the Field Guide below.

  4. Click Save.
Setting Description Helpful Hint
Location Select your location. A subscription can only be assigned a single location. However, if the system-wide toggle "Allow packages/subscriptions at any location" is on, the credits can be redeemed at any location.
Name This is the name of your package. It is shown to customers on receipts and on the customer portal.  
Description Optionally enter a description that can be displayed on the customer portal when a customer purchases a package from the customer portal.  
Reservation Type The type of reservation this package applies to. Subscriptions can only be associated with a single reservation type. If you wish to redeem credits for multiple reservation types you must enable "Allow packages/subscriptions on any type" from the system-wide settings.
Quantity The number of credits the package should have. It is possible to sell 0 credits - this will create a subscription that charges the set price for no credits. The package will show on the customer's expired package list upon renewal.
Enable as Subscription Enable this setting if this package should be available only as an auto-renewing package (Subscription).  
Frequency For subscription-based packages, determines the frequency of renewal. For more details, please see our article Package Subscriptions Renewal.
Days to Expiration Optionally enter the number of days that this package/subscription can be used before it expires. If no data is entered, the package will expire upon auto-renewal of the subscription.

The package expires at 11:59 pm on the last day of the subscription. Packages cannot be unexpired.

You can edit expiration dates from the packages section on an owner's profile.

Important:  If no date is entered into this field, users who cancel their subscriptions will not have an expiration date on their final credits.

Price This is the total price for each package (not per credit).

Often times this value is less than the total value of the reservation type's base rate multiplied by the number of credits in order to provide a discount to customers.

The amount of money the credit will take off in the cart is determined by the location default rate for the reservation type associated with the subscription.

Is Taxed If you apply tax to this sale, select 'yes/on.'

To charge tax for subscriptions, you must also go to Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Tax Settings select to charge tax on packages. See our article on Tax Settings for more information.

Account Code Optionally set the associated account code for the package

To set up account codes, navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Account Codes. See our article Set Up Revenue Report Account Codes for more information on setting this up.

Use Pricing Rules on other Reservation Types

If enabled and the package is applied to a different type of reservation, it will pull the assigned reservation types' pricing rules.

This requires the system-wide setting "Allow packages on any type" to be enabled.

Example: When applying a daycare package credit to a multiple pet boarding reservation with daycare attached, the package credit will apply at a value equal to one day of daycare including any daycare multiple pet discounts.

Hourly Credit

Enable this setting if this package type is used for a reservation type set to Charge by Hour.

Example: 3 credits would be applied for 3 hours of daycare.

Email days before expiration

If you want the "Package Expiration Email" to send a number of days before a customer's package's expiration date, enter the number of days here.

If this field is left blank no reminder email will be sent.

Email remaining count threshold

If you want the "Package Expiration Email" to send when a customer gets down to a certain number of credits, enter that number here.

If this field is left blank no reminder email will be sent.

Can Purchase Through Customer Portal

Can customers purchase this package from the customer portal?

The online purchase of packages through the customer portal requires Gingr's integrated credit card processing.


If enabled (Yes/On), it will be available for purchase.

Subscription types can never be fully deleted. If you no longer use a subscription type it can be disabled instead.


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