Create Appointments for Multiple Pets from the Same Family (How-To)

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It is possible to create multiple appointments at once for pets in the same family all from the same appointment booking process. These pets must be booking the same service type on the same date with the same specialist. If these details must vary please create independent bookings. You can select different appointment times for each pet.


Create Appointments for Multiple Pets from the Same Family

  1. Enter the pet or owner name of one of the pets you would like to book. If you entered the owner name their other pets will appear.

  2. Click Select All Pets to add all pets for the given owner. 

  3. Once you have selected all pets, proceed through the process to Create an Appointment from the New Appointment Page for the first pet.

  4. Repeat for each additional pet.

    Tip:  Be sure to fill out all details before clicking to create the appointment. If you need to remove a pet from this booking process you can click the orange Remove button on the top right of each pet's section.



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