Apply Deposits at Checkout (How-To)

When you check out a reservation with a deposit that has been paid, the deposit payment will automatically appear in the shopping cart. If the deposit has been under or overpaid you will be able to collect or refund payments as needed. 

Paid Amount Equals Charges

If the charges equal the deposit payment amount, you will be able to check out without payment. 



Paid Amount is Less than the Charges

If the deposit only covers part of the cost of the reservation, you will need to collect the remainder from the customer.

You can check out without further payment if you wish to pay at a later date. Alternatively, you can check out with payment and apply any payment method you wish.


Paid Amount is Greater than the Charges

If the deposit was overpaid, you will have two options. You can credit the difference to the owner's account which will add a store credit line item to the invoice once it is checked out. This line item can then be refunded in part or whole as needed. 

Alternatively, you can refund the entire deposit. Please note that if you choose this option you will need to recollect the balance owed with another payment. 


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