Add Custom Text to Reservation Email Templates (How-To)

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When setting up email and SMS templates, one of your options is to add {reservation_type_custom_text}. This article outlines how to set up the custom text on the Reservation Types and Services page, that coincides with that variable.


Add Custom Text to Reservation Email Templates

  1. Navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Reservation Types and Services Configuration.

  2. Select the applicable Booking Category.

  3. Select the applicable Reservation Type, then click Edit Settings.

  4. In. the Communication Options settings, write out the custom text for this Reservation Type that you would like to appear in an email.

  5. Save and navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Admin » System Email. Choose and edit an email template where you would like to automatically include this text. Copy and paste the {reservation_type_custom_text} into the area you would like the custom text to appear on your email template.

    Your custom text will now automatically be included when a customer makes a reservation for this specific Reservation Type.


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